Mumbai, 23rd July. The Culture Department of the Madhya Pradesh Government has announced All India Samman Awards for the prosperity of Hindi language. Under these, “National Hindi Seva Samman” for the year 2022 will be awarded to senior litterateur Dr. Damodar Khadse on 14th September, 2024 in Bhopal. This award includes an amount of Rs five lakh and a citation.
Giving this information, Dr. Amrish Sinha, Editor of Mumbai’s leading literary magazine “Srujanika”, stated that more than fifty books of Dr. Damodar Khadse have been published, which include novels, stories, poems, reviews, memoirs and language related books. Translations of his works have been published in English as well as Indian languages. Dr. Khadse has translated about twenty-four Marathi books into Hindi and has also edited Marathi special issues of some Hindi magazines. The said award will be given by the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh at Ravindra Bhavan in Bhopal.